Barau's Petrels - Videos

Did you find a petrel? What can I do?

If you have found a stranded bird, take it and carefully place it in a box with a few holes in it. Please do not feed or care for it yourself. Call the SEOR care centre as soon as possible on 02 62 20 46 65 – Press 1.

More explanation in the video!

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Look out! Sequence prohibited for under 18 years old!

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Burrow protection

A petrel that is protecting its territory and its young.

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Chick grooming

A chick that’s grooming in its burrow!

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Petrel feeding

Here is a demonstration of a petrel feeding its chick.

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Little blooper footage …!
Discover it the footage.

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Moving petrels on the ground

Petrels usually have a hard time moving around on the ground…

Big wings, webbed legs and a body configuration that makes them uncomfortable on land but much more so at sea!

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Petrels Threats

Find out on the footage who are the predators of the petrels!

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Petrels fights

Petrels are very loyal seabirds! Indeed, they can travel thousands of kilometres but always come back to Reunion Island to breed…

So they always come back to our island with the same partner and especially in the same burrow.

Beware of the one who wants to steal the other’s territory! Proof in the footage…!

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Digging burrows

Do petrels live in the treetops? The answer is no! Petrels live in burrows on the ground dug by the strength of their webbed feet.

Find on this video a burrow digging live!

Moreover, since petrels stay close to their burrows, it is for this reason that they are very threatened by cats and rats which are mighty predators for petrels…

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