L’Association pour la Valorisation de l’Entre Deux Monde” (AVE2M) was created on July 18, 2012 by a dozen environmental enthusiasts wanting to save the Bourbon Black Petrel.

AVE2M manages and protects natural and landscaped areas, while helping people having trouble getting back into the world of work. Its mission is to promote and preserve native wildlife and fight against invasive plant and animal species. Each year, a program of initiatives is defined in consultation with various partners (County Council, SEOR, ONF, National Park) which are then implemented in various “priority” towns (Entre-Deux, Tampon, Cilaos, Saint-Louis).

To carry out its program of activities, AVE2M signed a performance contract with the Council for the period from 2013 to 2015 to put into action its “fight against invasive wildlife and protection of petrels” program.

The satisfactory and encouraging results achieved by AVE2M mean that our association has quickly become an important and indispensable element in the protection and recovery of petrels, just like the Bourbon black petrel National Action Plan and the LIFE + Petrels project.

We are launching initiatives to reduce numbers of introduced predators as part of the LIFE + Petrels project (action C1). The objective is to control introduced predators (cats and rats) and reduce their devastating effects on our petrels. However, this will only be done within existing petrel breeding sites; our first priority is to secure these colonies. The primary objective of the LIFE + Petrels program is to intervene in the most remote and inaccessible areas of the island.

AVE2M aims to mobilize resources to expand and enhance the protection “barrier” between suburban areas and sites already covered by the project. The aim is to curb the number of predators moving from urban areas up to petrel colonies.

The missions of AVE2M are complementary to those under the LIFE + program. By working in easily accessible suburban and semi-natural areas, AVE2M will help to monitor large predators.

Internet site: http://www.ave2m.fr/
