University of Reunion

University of Reunion

Thanks to its research units and its Bachelors and Masters courses, the University of Réunion is very active in the fields of biodiversity and conservation.

The university team involved in the LIFE + Petrels program is multidisciplinary and complementary.
It has expertise in:
Ecology and conservation of tropical seabirds and endemic petrels, impact of introduced mammals on seabirds and their habitats, rare species population genetics;
Environmental law: legal and regulatory framework against invasive species;
Socio-economics: economic value of biodiversity and the petrel in particular;
Geography: spatial analysis and mapping.
The joint research unit ENTROPIE (ex ECOMAR) has studied the ecology and conservation of the endemic petrel for many years and works with the National Park, the SEOR and BNOI to identify the causes of the declining in these species and implement appropriate conservation initiatives.
ENTROPIE conducts internationally recognized research using the most modern technology.

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